Saturday, April 4, 2020

Vocabulary building

The Categories Game

  • Draw a table and write these words as your topics:
  • country, person, vegetable/ fruit, animal, job, colour.
  • Country
    Vegetable/ Fruit

  • When I give you a letter, you will write a word beginning with it for all categories on your table (e.g. If I say 'S', you can write: Spain, Sam, Starfruit, Snake, Sailor, Scarlet).
  • Country
    Vegetable/ Fruit

  • The first person to finish should use the 'thumbs up' on our Zoom meeting.
  • Call out your words when it is your turn.
  • We will then begin the game again by calling out a different letter.

  • The 5 Why's
  • A Lean Tool of Problem-solving
  • What do these words mean to you?
  • Word



  • The basics of 5 Why is rather simple. You just ask the question “Why?” five times to find the root cause of a problem. This is often showed with a simple example like:

    • The car will not start.
    • Why? – The battery is dead.
    • Why? – The alternator is not working.
    • Why? – The alternator belt has broken.
    • Why? – The alternator belt was worn out.
    • Why? – The car was not maintained (the root cause). [Source: 5 Whys]

  • Now tell me in your own words, what is the 5 Why.
Now that you know what the 5 Why is, I want you to think of a problem that you may have faced lately.
What was the problem or issue?

e.g. A problem I faced recently was I ran through a red light.
What does that mean? To run through a red light?

Then I want you to use the 5 Why to come to the root cause of your problem.

e.g. 5 Whys: The Ultimate Root Cause Analysis Tool

Once you have finished writing your 5 whys, I want you to post these as a comment on this page.


Now each person will present their 5 whys to the class.

Vocabulary List

From now on, I expect each of you to make your own vocabulary list in your books. I want you to put 

  • any new or difficult words we look at in class;
  • look up what it means and copy the meaning in your book;
  • use that word in a sentence so you know how to use it;
  • practice saying the word do you can pronounce it right.
Some words I can suggest for your list are: 

introductory, questionnaire, personal, originally, star sign, earliest memory, exciting, celebrity, presentation, vocabulary, lean, tool, problem-solving

Example of what your list can look like:

Vocabulary list

Use in a sentence
How to say it
something that makes me really happy or engaged 
 The movie was exciting!
3 sounds


  1. Country D Danmark E England F France G Germany H Holland
    Name D Diana E Ellis F Frank
    G Grant H Henry
    Food D Durian E egg F Filet steak G Grape H honey
    Animal D dolphin E eagle F forg G gibbon H hippopotamus
    Job D dean E educator F farmer G gardener H housekeep
    Colour D dark E ecru G green H Hazel

  2. country person vegetable/fruit animal job colour
    (I) India Iris iguana inventor indigo
    (J) Japan Jim jujube jackal judge jacinth
    (k) Korea Kenney kiwifruit koala keeper khaki
    (l) London Lang lemon lamb lawyer light-red
    (M)Malaysia Mary mango moth model magenta

  3. I can't find the names of fruits and vegetables associated with( I)

  4. Country Norway Belgium Oman Qatar Russia
    Name Natasha Baker Omar Quintin Rose
    Fruit Nectarine Banana Orang Quince Raspberry
    Animal Narwhal Bear Owl Quail Rat
    Job Nurse Bakteller Obstetrician Question master Reporter
    Colour Navy Black Orange Quartz grey Red.

  5. Why do you want to learn English?
    Because i want to improve myself better.
    Why do you want to improve yourself?
    Because i want a better job.
    Why do you want a better job?
    Because i want to make a lot of money.
    Why do you want to make a lot of money?
    Because i want to my family to live a better life.
    Why do you want to live a good life for your family?
    Because i am man ,this is my responsibility.

  6. Why was there an accident while driving, because I didn't observe the situation on the road while driving, why didn't I observe the situation on the road? Because when the car is not focused,
    why is it not? Because I am still tired when driving,
    why do I get tired when driving? Because sleep late at night,
    why sleep late at night? Because the party came home late

  7. Why do I want to learn English? Because I want to communicate well with the team. Why should I talk to everyone? I want to work very well and don't want to make mistakes. Why should I study English well because I like it here and I want to live here. Why should I insist on learning English? I think where you spend your time will decide that you will gain. Why do I want to live here? I want to pick up my home and live a better life.
